About the Author
H.C. Harrington was born in Orlando, FL but moved to California soon after. He graduated from the
University of Nevada, Reno with a degree in Anthropology and History. Determined to leave the sunny blue California skies behind him he followed a whim and relocated to Asia, moving to Chengdu, China to study Mandarin and get a look at the emerging economic power close up. He has taught ESL in Chengdu as well as in Taipei.
University of Nevada, Reno with a degree in Anthropology and History. Determined to leave the sunny blue California skies behind him he followed a whim and relocated to Asia, moving to Chengdu, China to study Mandarin and get a look at the emerging economic power close up. He has taught ESL in Chengdu as well as in Taipei.
When free from the delights of writing he enjoys learning new things, playing with cats, traveling, and
sitting down to a spicy Sichuan hotpot.
You can also get notifications about his new releases delivered right to your in-box by signing up for his
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I hope you’ll say hello! Thank you for reading!
Yours sincerely, H.C. Harrington